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Scrap Extraction and Air Filtration System 

Case Study - ​ Southern Hemisphere

Blog / ​​ scrap and filtration system

18 September 2023

Scrap Collection System

Two separate systems were installed to collect bright aluminium scrap from bodymakers and cupping presses. Both systems convey the scrap to a new Austropressen DS700 baler, each configured with bypass options to an existing baler to ensure operational redundancy. 

The first air system collects trimmed aluminium scrap from 12 trimmers and one cupper, utilising rerouted existing ducting to connect to a new baler room location. The material is then conveyed to the front-end scrap separator, which feeds Baler 1 via a weigh hopper divert valve, with an option to bypass to Baler 2. 

The second air system effectively collects trimmed aluminium scrap from seven trimmers and one cupper, featuring newly installed ductwork adaptable for various can sizes. Similar to the first system, the material is conveyed to the front-end scrap separator, feeding Baler 1 through a weigh hopper divert valve, with the option to bypass to Baler 2.   

Trim Extraction

Dust Extraction

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